Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Features Of Toshiba Satellite Notebook

I am a loyal user of Toshiba Satellite notebook. I have been using these for a number of years without any problem whatsoever. The model I am using now is M35-S320 which was introduced a few years back. It has become obsolete and I would be very surprised if you get this model at all in any store. You of course get one at one grand if you shop online.

The Toshiba Satellite note book that I use, may have become obsolete but this laptop serves my purpose to the tee. In the computer world, there is nothing obsolete it is just that newer models have been introduced. My Toshiba note book is equipped with a 60GB hard drive, 512MB of RAM memory, and a Pentium-M 1.5 Ghz processor. It also carries a combined DVD-ROM/CD-RW unit, a 32MB NVIDIA Geforce FX Go5200 graphics card, a 15.4 inch TFT screen, and indeed a wireless modem and network card. These seem to be quite sufficient features for an efficient laptop notebook.

The name Toshiba Satellite is so because of its wireless network feature. The time when this was introduced, it was considered state of the art. These days of course, most laptops have wireless network facility. In spite of so many brands available in the market, the Toshiba Satellite has not lost out on its popularity. It gives instant internet access, as long as you have accessible network close by.

The Toshiba Satellite notebook is a reasonably mighty little laptop with the capability of handling big entertainment features like movies and computer games. Since it has an excellent built-in graphic card, speedy processors and a heavy-duty RAM memory capacity, it can handle the modern computer games with ease and show movies with superb visuals. In fact, I use my Toshiba Satellite notebook primarily for playing games or watch movies when I used to work in remote areas.

Towards the beginning of 2006, the brand new model of the M-series of the notebook was introduced, the M-65. This magnificent model has a bigger hard drive with a faster and better processor and graphic card. Though it retains the satellite name and can access the internet with equal ease as the previous models, the M-65 is marketed with more emphasis on its graphical capabilities.

However my only bone of contention with the Toshiba Satellite series is the poor sound quality. I grumble with my M-35 because of this inadequacy. But I know if I spend a little more, I can easily buy a set of speakers to boost up the sound system, if I ever desire that.

Daniel Travers is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Blog94611
Carolyn Blog16175

10 Best Online casinos

There are a number of online casinos where you can just log on to play the most exciting casino games. Here is a list of 10 Best Online casinos that you can play at any time and just anywhere!

1. Casino Circus- here is a casino that offers tremendously good gambling terms and different kinds of casino games. There are both types of rooms for the upper and lower limit casino players. It offers a pretty good amount of virtual games that you can play all from the ease of your home. Moreover, this casino offers a Cirrus Casino coupon, with which you can get extra bonuses too!

2. Freeware 50 Stars Casino- This casino games online can be easily downloaded from the internet and can be played at any time with fake money. You can even play with real money from the casino site itself.

3. Royal Vegas Casino- you do not need to own a fat purse if you are playing in this casino. The best Vegas casino is attracting more than 10,000 people every day. It is a paradise for people who love gambling and it offers high winning awards on initial bets.

4. Club dice Casino- it is one of the 10 Best Online casinos and here you can find some of the most interesting games and information on how to play the online games. This casino is one of the most spread out and reliable online casinos on the Internet.

5. River Belle Casino- this casino offers easy games for the beginners and even guides them how to play online casino. Learn all the pros and cons of online and offline casino and try your luck!

6. Cool Cat Online Casino- Would you like to entertain yourself at one of the 10 Best Online casinos? Then you should certainly try out Cool Cat online casino. We are sure that you will not be disappointed. You will be surprised by a wide variety of games available at Cool Cat online casino.

7. Roxy Casino- This place of leisure is considered to be one of the best gambling sites in the world. Therefore, you can try out this site and get to know more about one of the best casinos in the world. Look far and wide and you are unlikely to find a better casino than this one!

The other famous casinos among the 10 Best Online casinos are 888 Casino, Euphoria Casino and Sasino Casino.

Copyright (c) 2006 Steve Fransisco

Steve Fransisco is the author of this article. Find more information about the subject at and Blog68683
Bunnie Blog15321

How To Choose an IT Consultant

Many small to medium business rely heavily on IT systems to successfully run their business.

If you find yourself spending more and more time managing your network and computers but you don’t need a full time IT person on staff then perhaps now is the time you should consider hiring an IT consultant.

When you start looking for an IT consultant you should consider the following:

Experience. It goes without saying that you need to hire a consultant who has experience in the IT industry.

You should ask the consultant the following questions:

1. Has the IT consultant got experience supporting the same type of business as yours?
2. Do they have any technicians on staff that holds valuable industry certifications, such as Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) etc? In order to become certified by Microsoft, a Certified Microsoft Partner must prove their expertise in Microsoft technology and in specific business areas, such as financial management and supply chain management.
3. If you operate Windows Small Business Server onsite does the consulting company have a member of staff who is a Microsoft Small Business Specialist?

References. Ask the following questions to the consulting companies other clients:

1. How well does the company work for them?
2. Ask whether work is done on time and on budget?
3. Also ask whether the consultant responds quickly to problems.

Services. You need to ask the consulting company the following questions:

1. What services does the consulting company provide? If they don’t supply a particular service will they be able to recommend a professional organization that can?
2. What levels of support do they offer?
3. Do they offer offsite support solutions or do they perform all work onsite?
4. Do they offer preventative maintenance plans?
5. What does the preventative maintenance plans involve?
6. How many hours per month are included in the preventative plans?

Schedules and fees. Find out the answers to the following questions:

1. What is their response time?
2. Are you charged a call out fee?
3. Is their a minimum invoice amount?
4. Do they assure a No Fix No Fee policy?
5. What are their business hours?
6. What happens if you call out of hours?

Personality. It is important that a consultant be a technology expert, but it is also important that they be able to work with and talk to people who are not technology experts.

Final Words. Interview a number of potential consultants. Look for the information listed above. This is not a time to just go with the lowest bid: you want the best for the job. After all, isn't that why you hire a consultant?

Robert Adelman is an MCSE+I (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer + Internet) which qualifies an individual of being able to analyze the business requirements for information systems solutions, and design and implement the infrastructure required including internet technologies. Ansley Blog13978
Casie Blog7074

What To Look For When Shopping For A Health Insurance Plan

With all the Health Insurance options that are available to us it can be overwhelming finding right health insurance plans for ourselves. There are literally dozens of companies with hundreds of plans to choose from. We have to agree that the main reason for having Health Insurance is to protect ourselves from large unexpected medical bills. So when comparing medical plans that is the main thing we should be looking at. Since IRS says that number one cause of Bankruptcy in the United States is medical bills, specifically medical bills that are over $17,000. We will keep that in mind as we will looks all the factors of selecting right health plan.

Before we get into comparing plans there are three main plan options to choose from: PPO (Proffered Provider Organization), HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) and HSA (Health Saving Account). The simple way to understand the differences is keep this in mind; PPO plans will give the greatest flexibility and ability to choose your own doctor usually from a extensive network of doctors. Most PPO plans have reasonable monthly premiums and usually have a hospital deductibles ranging from $500 to $5000. We will get in to deductible and how they work later on. The simplest way to explain how HMO plans work is to think of a gate keeper system. That means that you get assigned to a specific doctor or medical office (Primary Care Physician) that you have to go thorough to get authorization to get medical care. Most HMO plans comprehensive coverage, small co-pays to go see a doctor and low deductibles ranging from $0 to $1500. HMO plans tend to cost more that PPO plans. HSA plan is a relatively new concept and becoming extremely popular. HSA plans work similar to PPO plan in a context that you can choose your own doctor from extensive list of providers. HSA plan have great advantages when it comes to low monthly premiums and ability to save money tax free for the medical expenses, in similar way to 401k or IRA accounts. The reason for low monthly premiums is that HSA plans have large deductibles usually over $2400. For more information on how HSA plans work and if it is a right choice for you visit

Number one thing we should be looking at is what is called Maximum out of Pocket, also might be called Yearly Maximum out of Packet. What that means is that amount is the maximum you can be out of pocket in any given year for ALL the medical expenses combined. Most of the time that amount will exclude prescription drug coverage deductibles and co-pays. When you are comparing health insurance plans it is important to find out if everything in the plan is applied towards the Maximum out Of Pocket. Some plans that have attractive monthly premiums might have exclusions to where Maximum out Of Pocket is applied only for the hospital stays. Most of the PPO plans have Maximum out of Pocket range from $3000 to $9000. For HMO plans Maximum out of Pocket ranges from $1500 to $4500. Most HSA plans have where your deductible is your maximum out of pocket.

Second we should be looking for a plan from a known insurance company name. There are a lot of large well established insurance companies that you might never hear of. Reasons for staying with a large well known insurance company are that you know they will pay your bills and not going to disappear. The other reason is that chances are most doctors will accept the insurance plan that they offer. I would definitely stay away from 99.9% of Association plans and small insurance companies with less than 10 billion in Assets. You can find that our by going to To date largest insurance company that provides Health Insurance is Fortis and their health insurance plans are called Assurant Health ( Largest health insurance provider in the United States is Wellpoint ( serving approximately 34 million members nationwide. We all know them as Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Keep in mind that in some states Blue Cross and Blue Shield are owned by two completely different insurance companies.

Third we will be looking at the deductibles. There is a huge misconception with how deductibles work. The number one misconception with deductibles is that nothing is covered by the insurance company until this large deductible is met. The reality is that most plans cover most of the things before the deductible is met with small co-pay. In most cases deductible applies only for inpatient and out-patient hospital (surgeries, emergency room). Second misconception is that once deductible is met everything is covered 100% or in case of hospital stay all we will be responsible is the deductible. Although some plans do work that way, most health plans do not. Majority of health plans you are still responsible for, whats called co-insurance. That meant that you are still paying percentage of the bill usually 30% up to you Maximum out of Pocket as me mentioned earlier. That is why Maximum out of Pocket is more important that the deductible. For example if you have a plan with a 2500 deductible and 30% hospital co-insurance, then you are responsible for 2500 plus 30% up to Maximum out of Pocket. There are some plan today available that have no deductible and they are relatively inexpensive. Chances are those are the plans that have high Maximum out of Pocket in most cases over 7500 per person. In case of a family of four in worst case scenario you could be responsible for $30,000. If there is no deductible it does not meat that everything is covered at 100%. The way plans with no deductible work is by having you pay a percentage of the bill starting with the first dollar. Percentage could range anywhere from 30% to 50%, again up to your Maximum out of Pocket amount. The larger deductible you choose the lower monthly premium you will pay. My recommendation will be that you choose deductibles over 2500 unless you are planning on being admitted to the hospital often.

Fourth we will be looking at the prescription drug coverage. The reason prescription drug coverage is very important, because drugs can be very expensive. In the event of major illness or accident drug cost could be in the hundreds even thousands of dollars every month. Most plans do cover prescription drugs. There are few things to consider. First check if the plan has limits on how much the insurance company willing to pay for your prescription drugs per year. Most plans cover prescription drugs up to your life time maximum which should range anywhere from 2 million to 8 million. Some plans offer option where they will cover only generic drugs. This in most cases is sufficient. About 90% off all the brand name drugs have equivalent generic drug available. By choosing a plan that covers generic drugs only you can be saving a lot of money every month on you health insurance premium. Next you should be looking at the deductibles for the prescription drugs. In most cases if plans covers generic and brand name drugs you will have a deductible for brand name drug before your co-pay begins. Most brand name drug deductibles range anywhere from $250 to $1000. Majority of the health plans cover generic prescription drugs right away.

Fifth we will look at annual physical exam coverage. Most plans cover physical exams once a year. There are few things to consider. First if there a waiting period before you can get insurance company pay for your physical exam. Second what is the maximum that insurance company is willing to pay for your physical exam? Last is what your co-pay to get a physical exam is.

Sixth we will look at the doctor visit co-pays. That means what is the amount that you are responsible for after witch insurance company pays for everything at 100%. There are some options to consider. Doctor office visit co-pay could range anywhere from $10 to $50. Some plan might have you pay a percentage of the doctors office visit. After witch insurance company is willing to pay at 100%. Second thing to consider is if the co-pay included lab work and x-ray. Most of the time Lab work and x-rays is billed separately. Company like Assurant Health is willing to pay up to $100 for your lab work and x-rays as part of your co-pay. One of the main things that most people look for in a plan is, how much is their co-pay to go to a doctor? Even though no one in history ever went bankrupt because they could not pay for their doctor visit. If you were to going to pay out of pocket for your doctors visit it will probably cost you anywhere from $45 to $100. The only way it is going to be more than that is of you had sad lab work or minor out patient surgery done.

After reading this article you should have idea of what kind of plan you might want for your self and your family. The one additional thing that I would consider is how well your plan travels with you. For example if you decide to move to a different state or if you travel outside of the country. Most plans do not travel well and most dont cover you if you are outside the country. I most cases if you can a plan in one state and you decide to move to a different state you have to cancel the plans in the state you are moving from and re-apply in the new state. Even if you had same insurance company in the state that you are moving from. If you want more information on the health insurance resource and information visit out online at

Dennis Alexander - leading consultant for employer group and individual/family health insurance. Marketing consultant for major health insurance resource websites and brokerage firms online. Some of the websites consultant and/or administrator, Blog78679
Ailyn Blog78658

Preschool Activities & Crafts For Kids

If you have preschoolers or young children, you are probably always on the lookout for NEW activities, games and ideas to help them learn, as well as keep them occupied.

There is so much mind numbing entertainment on the television today that sometimes we are best if we leave our and preschoolers & kids to entertain themselves! In order to do this, we need to have the activities, ideas, learning games & arts/crafts needed to stimulate their young minds.

To keep children entertained, you need to keep the ideas and activities fresh and exciting!

There are art activities, craft activities, science experiments, & physical activities as well. All of these are things that are essential for your childs physical and mental development. offers a huge variety of games, activities science experiments, simple exercises and more for teachers & parents looking to entertain, as well as teach preschoolers and children. There are healthy recipes, playdoh recipes, coloring sheets, printables, books, activities, art supplies and a whole lot more!

One example of the kinds of preschool activities found at

Flower Power Science
(*example from )

You will need:
3 white carnations
3 vases or tall glasses
Red, blue, and green, food coloring

Fill each glass or vase half way with cool water. Color the water in each vase/glass a different color with food coloring. Place one carnation in each vase/glass.

You can document how many hours or days it takes for each carnation to start to change color. Which carnation changes color first, which carnation changes color last.

You can also use other colors like yellow, orange, or purple. Make a nice bouquet of homemade colorful carnations to display around the classroom.

For other great activities and science activities for kids-check us out online today!

Marisa Robinson E.C.E (Early Childhood Educator) Blog30300
Catriona Blog12718

The Popularity Of Learning Online

Online courses help students to further their learning abilities and education. No matter where a student is located, the resources are available at their fingertips when one studies online courses. There are innumerable online courses and training methods available.

A course on personal development, to continue with a hobby, training for a new career or enhancing business skills are just some of the possibilities available in online courses. Their area of interest can be explored at the students own pace. There are thousands of online courses covering hundreds of topics.

Online Courses in Business among others include a course to start your own business or training in time management. Other available online courses include leadership skills, techniques on conducting interviews and marketing courses online or offline.

Online courses in training includes programming languages, marketing through internet, personal computer hardware, Linux, training in office software, graphic designs, web design and other certificate courses in information technology.

Online courses for training in a specific career are also possible. The available resources includes various vocational training programs in wedding planning, carpentry, bookkeeping, real estate, automotive courses, medical transcription and lot of other options to get a diploma. Find more info at

Professionals who would like to continue their education have various options available in online courses. Engineers, architects, lawyers, physicians, real-estate professionals, social workers, teachers and massage therapists and others, can pursue online CEU and CE courses.

Online courses in personal development are meant for developing a hobby or pursuing a personal interest. Home improvement, investing, gardening, cooking, art and design, digital photography and traffic school and many others are included.

Languages can be learned through various online courses available on the internet. Expanding the existing language skill or learning a foreign language is made easy. Supplementary help for courses such ESL, TEFL are also included in various online courses. Languages such as Japanese, Spanish, Italian, French or German can be easily learnt through online resources.

Convenience and flexibility are the advantages in online learning. This is more so if the students have other commitments. Depending upon on the needs of the student a greater adaptability is also possible along with enhanced communication between the student and the teaching resources online. Some of the advantages of online courses include the teaching materials presented in non-verbal mode and the varieties of learning experience, using multimedia.

E-assessment or assessments made with the aid of a computer includes multiple choice tests which are automatically generated, gearing towards the specific mistakes made by the students and to navigate through a series of questions to find out what the student has learned or not learned.

Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author. For more info visit or Blog99056
Anne Blog97788

Recovery From PC Failure Using Windows XP's Restore Point

Have you ever done something to make an improvement and later regretted it?It would be awesome to be able to go back in time and undo the the thing that were supposed to make an improvement.

While life in general will not allow us to return to an earlier time to make changes, we computer users do have such an option should we experience problems with our Windows XP operating systems.

If you update or install the wrong device driver for your video card, and you delete accidentally delete a critical Windows file, so what.

You can simply use Windows XP's Restore Point feature and, Tada, you're back on track and recovered that deleted file.

Restore Points are snapshots of the state your operating system was in during that time.Windows XP automatically creates a restore point when it senses a major change in your operating system.And Restore Points are created every 24 hours as a safety measure.But you can create a Restore Point manually any time you feel there is a need.

If you have a change of some sort that causes problems with the operating system, you can tell Windows XP to revert to any Restore Point established before the problem occured.After the rollback, every change in the operating system that happened after that Restore Point is eliminated.

Restore Points are generally used when you experience such pc problems as extremely slow performance of the system. Your computer responds far more slowly that it did before you installed or updated something.

Other times to run Restore Point is when your system stops responding after an update or installation. Be sure to create a Restore Point before making any significant change to your computer's software or configuration.

To set a Restore Point, click on Start, point to All Programs, click on Accessories, System Tools, and then click on System Restore.When the System Restore windows appears, click on the button labeled "Create A Restore Point" and click Next.

Enter a description of the restore point, something like "Before scanner device driver install" and click the Create button.A notification will inform you that a Restore Point was made.Now click the Close button and you're all set.

Reverting to a Restore Point is as easy as create one.Click on Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, System Tools, and System Restore.When the System Restore window appears, click on the "Restore My Computer To An Earlier Time" and then click on the Next button.

Choose the date on which you set the Restore Point and click the Next button.Review the information presented and save any open files.Shut down any other programs that may be running.

Click on the Next button and now your computer will restart. As it restarts, it will present a message informing you of the restore point. Click OK and you're done.

After reading all about setting and reverting to restore points, you should make a known restore point if you have not done so already.Whatever you do after reading this article, don't say I'll get to it soon.Familarize yourself with this feature and create a restore point one.

You should try Restore Point and see how it works before you need it.Create a Restore Point now and update something.You can update Windows Media Player for example.

After the update or the installation of a program,wait a day or so and go back to Restore Point.Revert to the Restore Point you created and see if the old version of Windows Media Player comes back.Or see if that old device driver is present.

Doing a simple task like this can and will boost your computer skills and give you much more confidence in yourself and the Windows XP operating system.

Otis F. Cooper is solely dedicated to boosting the knowledge and confidence of every computer user. Sign up to receive his informative articles every month and learn PC Repair absolutely free. Sign up now at Blog76912
Bridget Blog46269

Water Skiing

Have you ever tried water skiing? It's like flying, only cooler. As you glide across the surface at top speed, cool water splashes over and around you. It's a fun and exciting sport that people of all ages can take part in. If you're strong enough to hold yourself up, you're strong enough to water ski.

To be really good at water skiing does take a little practice; but even more important, it takes the right equipment.

Four basic types of water skis are available on the market:

* Combination: The most common types of water skis sold today are combination skis. The skis have a wider tip, so they're the best style to learn on and are preferred by beginners and advance skiers alike.

* Slalom skis: Used by skiers who prefer to use just one ski. By skiing on one ski, the athlete is able to make sharp turns and reach faster speeds. Recreational slalom skis have a wider tail and a flatter bottom to make it easier to get up and ride straight, while advanced skis have a more tapered tail with beveled edges and a tunnel bottom. These are more difficult to ski on, but will take the skier on a much faster ride.

* Trick skis: Extreme athletes use trick skis to pull off the most outrageous stunts. Trick skis are for spinning, jumping and busting extreme moves in (or over) the water. These are shorter and wider than other style of water skis, and require much more skill. There are no fins on the bottoms of trick skis, so it's easier to slide and turn, but harder to make controlled moves while water skiing.

* Jump skis look like old-fashioned skis, but are made from a hi-tech composite material to make them stronger. As the name suggests, jump skis are used for jumping off of ramps.

The other essential piece of water skiing equipment is a rope. This is what connects you to the boat. Make sure that you have a proper rope with an appropriate handle. Water ski ropes have a flexible elastic quality, so they're able to change speeds and move with the skier. In normal conditions, polypropylene ropes will stretch two to three percent of their standard length of seventy inches.

The comfort of the rope handle is very important, and every water skier has his or her personal preference. Recreational water ski handles usually have a plastic or rubber grip. The plastic molded handles are strong and durable, and will float when dropped in the water. High-performance handles are generally comprised of an aluminum bar covered with a comfortable rubber grip. The construction is lighter, but more comfortable and durable than a molded plastic handle. Higher performance handles are hollow, so they sink when dropped in the water.

It's suggested that you wear goggles while water skiing, especially if you need to wear your eyeglasses. Protective goggles will stop water and debris going into your eyes, and will prevent your glasses from flying off and sinking if you fall into the water.

Water skiing is great exercise and a super fun way to enjoy a sunny day with friends. Strap on a lifejacket, grab some skis and make the most of your day on the water.

Nancy Jackson contributes articles to several web sites, such as and Blog76209
Anna Blog84593

Separated at Birth-But So Different In Life

It was a total surprise when the Doctor told Mary and Jeff that they had twins. Sonograms were not much of an option in 1965. The proud parents decided to name the twin boys Mike and John respectively after their grandfathers. Mike and John were paternal twins and had markedly different persona and appearance. Mike was the more adventurous and John was the quite and the cautious one. Both were good at sports and excelled in school. Both went to college albeit at different schools and graduated in the middle of their class.

Mike majored in marketing with a minor in business. John chose to be an English teacher with a minor in American literature. Both prospered in their chosen fields.

Incredibly, Mike and John chose jobs in the same city as their birthplace and stayed close to their parents. Mike had interviewed with several out of town employers; however, one of the larger advertising agencies was located right in their hometown. One of the partners of the ad agency was familiar with Mike and had a son, whose name was Tom, who had played baseball with Mike in little league and later in high school on a winning baseball program. They had just been beat by a late inning rally of the ninth inning to lose the State Championship by a capital city based team. It was a heartbreaking experience, but the partner of the ad agency had a keen affection for Mike and considered him a gamer with high character traits. Mike had stayed in contact with the partners son Tom and in passing had mentioned upon graduating from college that he was setting up out of town interviews with companies in his chosen field. Tom in passing mentioned this to his father. Upon hearing that, asked Tom to pass along to Mike that they were taking on some new people with a new ad account and were looking for a junior account executive who could bring some juice to the targeted demographic, 18-26 year old bracket. Mike sold himself to the company and was offered the job. Mike took it; it was everything that he was looking for. A job with an opportunity to grow and prosper at an ad agency.

John wanted to stay in the same town. He was trying to get a job at the same high school that he had graduated. John was not able to do that. However, he was able to get a teaching job across town in one the more industrial areas. John loved his teaching job and took on some additional responsibilities as a counselor and later became the basketball coach of the junior varsity team. John was also very active in PTA and cultivated good relations with students and parents. He was thoughtful and careful with his job and his life.

Mike and John had dated and met their future wives in some unique ways. Mike rekindled a high school relationship at the five-year high school reunion. Sandy had been a cheerleader and ran the school paper. Sandy was attending law school and had extended her education and had chosen to sacrifice her social life for the benefit of finishing law school. However, when Mike and Sandy spent a few moments together at the reunion, sparks were flying. After an engagement Mike and Sandy were married. John met his future wife Patty at a church picnic where she had just moved into town and was the new organist. In addition, she taught in the music department at Mike and Johns original high school, which provided an immediate conversational topic. John and Patty were married a year after Mike and Sandy were married.

Years passed. Mike and Sandy had three children with two girls and a boy and were now were contemplating college. Since the kids ages were all pretty close this was going to be a huge financial strain. Mike and Sandy were somewhat oblivious to risk and had from time to time over extended financially. John and Patricia had two kids a boy and a girl. Over the years, they had chosen to live frugally and their kids chose to go to Junior College while both worked part time jobs while passing on student loans opportunities.

No scholarships were forthcoming.

John and Patricia, wanted to take advantage of a lower interest move on their mortgage, their only debt. John always the planner chose to go on He found a past due hospital bill as part of the co-payment that had not been handled. It had been paid and John cleared it up right away. When application was made for their mortgage-John and Patricia got the best rate available. Mike and Sandy, needing immediate cash by refinancing to pay a load of installment debt just applied. Their score came back a lot lower than anticipated by 100 points. So much so, that the only loan they could get was a B/C subprime loan with payments $300 higher at the higher rate. They needed the money and went ahead. John and Patricia carefully planned and checked their credit. Mike and Sandy didnt. Mike or John-which are you? Mike and Sandy had planned on buying an income property and did so resulting in a $700/month net cash/mo.

Dale Rogers

Dale Rogers is a thirty-year mortgage veteran and frequent contributor to the Broken Credit Website Blog. The BCB is a free website created to assist the general public with information about credit repair and responsible mortgage lending. Check out more of his article's at his site at: http://www.brokencredit.comAmitie Blog50477
Ambur Blog79710

When To Workout

What should I eat? When should I eat it? And whens the best time to work out? Should I hit the gym when I wake up in the morning, during lunch hour, or late afternoon? Everyone has a different opinion, whether they are an entrepreneur, a freelance photographer, a school teacher or a diehard fitness freak. So HCM took the query to the training professionals to get their take on the problem.

Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, author of Your Performing Edge and member of the medical staff at Stanford says, The best time of day to exercise is first thing in the morning. You lower your stress and increase your metabolic level. If you wait until later in the day you may put the workout off and not do it at all. (Website for helpful articles and success tips:

Dr. Yariv Rothman, a Venice, California chiropractor also prefers the A.M. workout. A morning workout can be very helpful, especially if youre shedding those extra pounds post pizza night. Cardiovascular exercise or circuit training in the AM stimulates the endocrine system, releasing endorphins and enhancing mood. Dr. Rothman says, My patients who work out in the early morning report that they have more energy throughout the day and deal with stressful situations at work better.

Guy Grundy, Mr. Australia, is a morning person, too. He says, By training first thing in the morning you are able to take advantage of certain factors. You release more growth hormones (GH) at this time due to the low blood sugar levels. The more GH you release the better.

If you are looking to gain bulk or become more lean, your meals will be a little different. To bulk up, Mr. Australia suggests, A high protein, high carb snack is great before the workout as you will have additional nutrients in your system while you are training. Dr. Dahlkoetter suggests a sports bar or a bowl of oatmeal.

If you are looking to drop body fat Guy Grundy offers a suggestion before pumping weights, Go with a shake. Its easy to digest and will ensure you have enough protein in your system while you train. Remember, if your body is low on carbs it will use protein as an energy source.

Grundy says, I always make sure I have a little more protein in each meal as I like to stay lean and therefore eat less carbs. I build muscle and drop more body fat with this method.

The most important meal is the one immediately following your workout. You should look to get between 25-50% of your daily carbohydrate intake. And the amount of carbs needed during a post workout meal varies between people. Guy Grundy says, My favorite is egg whites, flank steak, and three blueberry and banana multigrain pancakes.

Theres a good reason for all these carbs. After a workout your body has depleted its carbohydrate reserves. Your body is releasing more insulin, sending needed carbs back into the muscles. These calories and nutrients absorbed during post-workout meals are directed into the worn muscle mass which leads to a better gain in muscle and cell growth.

Guy Grundy says, Using creatine with your post workout meal and a high amount of water will provide even better results.

Dr. Rothman says, Your body needs refueling as well as protein, which is necessary for muscle repair. He suggests a turkey sandwich or a few scrambled eggs with fruit.

There is a downside to the morning workout. Since muscles are still asleep from a long nights rest, they need some waking up before strenuous exercise. Spend a few minutes warming up. This could be five minutes on the stationary bicycle and stretching exercises, which will avoid unnecessary strain on muscles and ligaments.

Ryan Kravetz, a Bally Total Fitness trainer and former Team USA ice hockey forward, knows a morning workout gets the metabolism going, but he has practical concerns. The crowd hits the gym in the early morning and late afternoon. This is the time when people have to wait to do their bench presses or leg lifts. The equipment is available without a wait during midday, says Kravetz.

Not everyone can jump out of bed in the morning and pump iron. There is a school of thought that agrees with Kravetz, but for a different reason. Led by Dr. Phyllis Zee of Northwestern University, this group cites a good explanation for the P.M. exercise. Muscle strength is at its peak, and people are most alert. Therefore, athletes are less apt to injure themselves.

Theres some science to back this opinion, too. It has to do with circadian rhythms, our internal biological clocks. These rhythms time our sleep, wakefulness, and body temperature. During the afternoon our internal clocks have increased our body temperature by one to two degrees. Consequently, muscles are more supple lowering the risk to injury. For most people this happens between 2:00-4:00 P.M.

Exercise before bedtime is frowned upon. According to Dr. Dahlkoetter, sports psychologist, If you exercise at night, you will become dehydrated and have more difficulty sleeping. A workout before bedtime will keep you up. Sure, youll be wide awake for Letterman or Leno, but youll have trouble waking up for that early morning appointment.

Maybe its an A.M. workout you prefer to start the day with an energy boost. Or a P.M. workout suits you best when your muscles are warm and you need to relieve some stress. Take your pick. Choose one and stick with it. And remember to eat smart before and after you exercise. Maintaining a regular workout schedule with an appropriate diet could extend your life and definitely improve your mental and physical health.

Dane Fletcher is THE Training Authority and writes exclusively fro, a leading provider of weightlifting supplements and alternatices to anabolic steroids. For more information please visit http://www.steroidpimp.comCamala Blog24262
Annnora Blog28140

The Era Of Online Education

The Internet has broken down language barriers, country boundaries, and learning methods. Today, learning at home is not only possible but highly advisable because the World Wide Web gives students resources that otherwise are not available as fast as the time it takes when a student turns on his or her personal computer.

The era of education online means that your ability to obtain higher education is just a mouse click away. Online education is one of the best options for those who want to get a degree and work at the same time. Within the past ten years, online education and internet training has provided many people with a new incentive to learn.

Online education includes a full spectrum of possibilities starting with early childhood education and including college preparation, or complete learning programs for obtaining a college degree. Online courses open a world of possibilities to people who for any given reason were unable to attend regular school programs, or those whose actual activities and limited time, made it hard to stick to a full-time learning schedule.

Online education is spreading across the globe like a wildfire fueled by textbooks and periodic tables. Millions who previously thought that a college degree was firmly out of their reach have discovered that all it takes to attend college in todays world are the combination of a few free hours each day and access to the Internet.

Online Education Equals Big Business

Originally conceived as a way for adults to earn a college degree later in life than usual, online education or distance learning has spread to the point that people of all ages are now involved. Children as young as the fourth grade level now have access to online education in many areas, using it as a supplement to or in place of traditional classes.

With Online Education Everybody Wins

Part of the appeal to online education is that it is literally good for everyone. Educators can enter a new job market in writing and implementing an online curriculum and can use this income to supplement the earnings that receive from classroom education. Students of all ages have an alternative to traditional classes in which they can learn without the interference of other students behavioral interruptions. Adults who may have missed out on their high school diplomas or college degrees now have the opportunity, through online education, to complete or further their studies without the scheduling problems that may have made this impossible in the past. Finally, online education offers businesses the chance to educate their workforce at a lower cost and the benefit of a generation of computer literate and more highly educated prospective employees entering the job market.

However, online education is not limited to school subjects. Demand for adult education and online courses are some of the most widely available educational resources on the Internet, intended for developing specific skills. Cooking and baking courses, mechanical reparations, interior decoration, are just a few of those quick courses available online.

Another motivation encouraging online education includes foreign languages learning, or just for broadening your culture. Online options are as many as everyone's need; degree programs, online education courses, training certificates and more, including accredited formal education.

Online education saves time, money, and offers opportunity to those who may have never had it in the past. It may truly be the wave of the future. Helping students to succeed in both education and career aspirations, online education is fast becoming a convenient, but credible educational tool of the modern era.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail kateriwhite@gmail.comBarbi Blog64258
Bellanca Blog68305

Atlanta Schools Have a Busy and Productive Summer

Summer GRAD (Graduation Really Achieves Dreams) Programs

Students from Atlanta Schools have been very busy this summer. The GRAD projects and programs aim to insure that Atlanta school students make to graduation and then on to university. Several GRAD programs are designed to spark students interest in science, mathematics and arts. This summer rising sophomores, juniors and seniors from South Atlanta, Washington and the New Schools at Carver high schools took part in 2006 Project GRAD Summer Institute. The Atlanta Schools 2006 Project GRAD Summer Institute involved students attending a four week session held at several Atlanta colleges and universities, including Clark Atlanta, Emory, Georgia State, Morehouse, Oglethorpe and Atlanta Technical College. The idea was to give students a taste of college life. Students attended classes, meet school administrators, and spoke with current students. More than five hundred students were allowed to take part in this years project. The students and their parents attended an awards ceremony held at Martin Luther King, Jr. Chapel at Morehouse College honoring the students achievements. Each of participating universities presented awards to the Atlanta Schools 2006 Project GRAD Summer Institute students for the categories of most outstanding, most improved, citizenship and best all around student.

Project GRAD asks students to promise three things: that you will seek assistance and support from counselors whenever you get stuck, add the word cant to the list of four-letter words youve been told not to say, and to continue to reach back and help other students long after you graduate from college. Project GRAD is a school-community partnership program that aims to improve the academic performance, high school graduation and college attendance of inner-city students from low-income backgrounds. Currently Project GRAD operates in approximately one-third of Atlanta Schools and in 211 schools nationwide. Students who complete two summer institutes, maintain the required grade point average in core college prep or technical school courses and graduate on time with their class are awarded $4,000 scholarships to college or technical school.

Atlanta Schools Holds First Teach For America Summer Institute

The Teach For America Summer Institute, hosted this year by Atlanta Schools, is an intensive five week designed to aid new college graduates in pursuing a career in teaching. Teach For America Summer Institute is a national organization that seeks to enlist recent college graduates in teaching in urban or rural school districts for at least two years after graduation. The Atlanta Schools Teach For America Summer Institute will be housed at Georgia Tech. More than 530 newly graduated teachers willed be prepared to provided education to all students no matter what their economic or social background. The Atlanta Schools Teach For America Summer Institute is the most recent location to host an institute

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Catherina Blog58284
Brandi Blog85035

The Changing World Of Online Education

The way we learn is changing faster than ever before. With the Internet, digital libraries and online encyclopedias it seems as if all the worlds information is at our finger tips. This makes learning new things very easy and indeed is changing the way we view knowledge and education. Even traditional schools, colleges, universities and specialty schools are now using online strategies similar to those used in corporate training.

No longer will children with illnesses or injuries be denied their schoolwork, as they can do it all online. Online education has even more uses in such things as Home-Schooling or those wishing to go back and get a degree part-time working at their pace.

As distance learning grows more popular, parents are beginning to consider home education for their children. As the youngest generation grows up online, the future of education looks more digital than ever. Completing a course online gives young students a chance to discover the advantages of distance learning. As a result, more students are prepared for the online format, and more willing to take courses online in college. An online university student can learn something one evening and put their knowledge to work the very next day.

Online educational institutions are growing in number and enrollments because they offer the working class a chance to advance in their careers, develop a higher level of personal confidence, and fulfill life-long dreams.

In the past, working adults weren't able to further their careers because of time restraints; including, but not limited to, working overtime, business travel, and caring for families. Online education takes away those time restraints by offering a completely virtual learning experience.

The Internet is moving well beyond e-mails and e-commerce. Predictions of an Information Age are proving prophetic as the information superhighway carries more and more vehicles transporting ideas opening the door to an education that may have been denied to many. Online education has resulted in thousands of virtual classrooms that offer the possibility for accomplishment and advancement for all.

In an age where everyone and everything is stretched too thin it is refreshing to know that the Internet provides legitimate resources that allow almost anyone to learn about almost anything. You can now feel confident that life and opportunity are not passing you by. Higher education is now available to any person with the drive, the desire and a personal computer.

Whatever your choice, if you have the opportunity to take an online course, do not ignore it. Life is a long-term learning stadium where you are given the tools that other generations would have appreciated.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website For more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog24986
Anica Blog92461

College Admission

The college application is the primary resource for admissions departments to determine a students worthiness for acceptance. This application is the only opportunity students have in presenting themselves in the best light possible, in hopes of gaining admission. Many will say that completing the application is a test in-of-it itself. We agree. This simple test determines how detail oriented students are and how well they follow instructions. In any give year, colleges receive thousands of applications for admission from prospective students, all competing for the same seat.

In order to help students submit an error free university application, weve asked admissions officers across the country what common mistakes do students consistently make on applications. Check out the major blunders:

1. Students do not read the directions carefully to make sure they understand what items are needed in order to complete their application. Recommendation: Before beginning the application read through it for understanding.

2. Students write the wrong social security number or use different numbers on different pieces of information. Recommendation: Carefully copy your social security number from your card.

3. Students use the wrong college address labels.

4. Students applying for regular decision but checked early action.

5. Students use the online application but fail to request information from their high school counselor.

6. Students have questionable remarks and photos of themselves on social network sites, like MySpace, FaceBook and others (a recent problem).

7. In the college essay students exceed the number of words required. Recommendation: If you need to write a 500 words essay it must be 500, not 500+. Colleges test your ability to communicate your thoughts with clarity and concision. They want to see that your writing flows and is methodical.

8. Students miss the application deadline. Recommendation: After choosing which institutions you would like to apply to, write down the application deadline dates on a calendar or in a personal planner. Cross off the names of the colleges as you submit your application.

9. Students take ACT or SAT in the spring of their senior year. Recommendation: Tests should be taken in your junior year or fall semester of your senior year to ensure that test scores will be released on time to apply for the September semester. Also, when you take the SAT or ACT early, you can retake the test if the scores are unsatisfactory.

10. Students send in application but do not send high school transcripts. Recommendation: Make a check list of documents that will accompany your application.

11. Students copy or buy essays from the internet. Recommendation: Do not plagiarize essays. Write your own essay. If you are copying essays from the internet then most likely another student will do the same. Getting caught is risky and not worth it.

12. The students parent fills out the application. Recommendation: You are the one seeking admission into college, not your parents. Therefore, you should be the one to complete the application.

13. Activity list is full of ambiguous acronyms. Recommendation: Do not use acronyms. Spell out each word. Just because you know what the acronyms mean, does not mean others will.

14. Students expect long list of activities to overshadow actual academic work. Recommendation: Instead of joining an array of clubs, extensively participate in one or two activities. Admissions officers are not looking to see how many activities you sign up for as much as your role in each extracurricular.

15. Students provide incorrect email addresses / telephone numbers.

16. Students forget to sign and date the back page of the application or have their parents sign it.

17. Students misspell their intended major: psychology and business are the most misspelled.

18. Students are careless in filling out the application and make typos, grammatical errors or have sloppy handwriting. Recommendation: Illegibility/poor penmanship can create problems, especially handwritten essays. Do not handwrite essays unless the application specifically requests you to. Otherwise, type them on a computer and attach the printed page to your application. If your handwriting is poor, consider applying online.

19. Applications folded 10 times to fit in a small envelope look bad. Soda/coffee stains, and dirty or sticky pages, torn/ripped edges all can affect your eligibility. Recommendation: Mail your application package in a legal size envelope. Also to be careful, DO NOT eat while completing your university application.

20. Students use pencil when filling out an application. Recommendation: Use a blue or black ink pen.

21. Some applications ask for County and/or Country. Recommendation: Read carefully! Do not mix these up.

22. Many students who have jobs do not mention them on applications. Recommendation: Often, these jobs impact the time students have available for activities. Include this information to paint a full picture of your out-of-school activities.

23. Students send the wrong essay. Sometimes students mix up college essays and send an essay intended for one university to another college.

24. Students do not address the essay question / topic. Recommendation: If you are not sure, ask your counselor for clarification.

25. For online applications, students slip the mouse and click on the wrong item in a drop down box. (It is amazing how many students say they're from Afghanistan -- which is usually listed right after United States on drop-downs for countries)

26. Students substitute thesaurus words for more colloquial phrases. Recommendation: Bright teens do not and should not write like their parents. Applications that stand out do not have the above problems. They "tell" rather than "show."

27. Students list "Hanging out with friends" or "talking on the phone" as an extra curricular activity. Recommendation: For those who do this, hanging with friends and talking on the phone are not note-worthy activities. Ask your counselor if you are not sure what to include.

28. Students blame a teacher in their personal statement for bad grades. Recommendation: Colleges care more about what you did about the bad grade than why you received it in the first place. Did you ask for extra help? Repeat the course? Get a tutor?

29. Students turn in essays with numerous misspellings and grammatical errors. Recommendation: Proofread and ask your counselor or teacher to read it over. Remember that sometimes computers do not pick up errors that are spelled correctly.

30. Students do not inform their high school counselor that they are applying to colleges x, y, and z. Students fail to mention the necessity of submitting required forms by the certain deadlines. Recommendation: Tell your counselor which colleges you are applying to for admission.

31. Students do not send SAT or ACTs, OR assume later test scores will automatically be sent to same institutions as indicated in earlier tests. Recommendation: Each time taking the SAT or ACT, request the scores be sent to your institution of choice.

32. Information on student transcripts is not updated or incorrect. Recommendation: Check your name spelling, home address, phone numbers AND course names, grades, and credits received.

33. Many colleges that use the Common Application also have supplements. Students forget to complete the supplement.

34. Students write generic essays. Recommendation: Relate your essay to yourself. Write details that are unique to you and that only you could have written.

35. Students list e-mail address that are in bad taste or vulgar. Recommendation: Be aware of the impression your e-mail address makes. Create a "professional" e-mail address for college and job applications. Offensive e-mail addresses make a bad impression.

36. Students do not ask a teacher or advisor to review their application before submission. Recommendation: After completing your application, ask your parent or your high school counselor to proofread it for you. Always have a fresh eye look at your application. Doing so will help eliminate the above mistakes.

Rakeish Bedesi is an advisor and consultant to colleges and students across the U.S.Britt Blog95573
Arleta Blog33676

Complete Software Outsourcing Project on Schedule

In areas of China and the Asia Pacific, most of software outsourcing projects are accounted at a fixed rate, and this contract mode brings a mistaken concept to firms that it will cause inconvenience but have no effect on project investment because of this project delay. In fact, any delay of project not only causes inconvenience but also affect operation and benefit of firms. If a new business can't be put out into marker by reasons of not ready for its software or information related, and others occupy the opportunity, how it will affect the firm. Or a project is developed for simplify internal workflow and improve work efficiency, then delays of the project will prolong the operational choke point and increase operational costs. All these affect a lot on benefits of company directly or indirectly, not merely on the matter if investment will increase or reduce。

However, in Europe and America, outsourcing projects are mainly accounted by actual numbers of work days, so it will impel to overspend if project is delayed.In this case, to avoid project delay is an important target to judge management capability of project manager. Project managers have to monitor schedules and risks of outsourcing project effectively to avoid delay of project and extra development charges. We can learn this management idea to manage outsourcing projects in China to guarantee that project can be achieved before deadline.

1. Establish Our Own Project Plan

As a project manager, you can not adopt project plan of outsourcing provider completely and chuckle to yourself to pass over project planning. Even if it is an outsourcing project, you have to make a full project plan by yourself, then you will know exactly about the whole workloads, evaluate the price to negotiate with outsourcing provider, ensure technicians who will be involved, judge if outsourcing provider can provide sufficient resources and if the promised time is feasible.

Having made the project plan, firms should require outsourcing provider to provide a full development plan before starting the project. In order to avoid numerous paperwork, some outsourcing provider usually claim that the plan provided before signing contract is the whole project plan. This tell us that they have no system of integrity on development management and project management,and their project manager is not suitable for his job. Any employable project manager should realize that the preliminary plan for delivering the project made in period of contract negotiation can't be all-around, and it needs modification to be a feasible plan according to actual contents of the contract, add actual workloads, assignment of resources, and time required.

After getting the project plan from outsourcing provider, we need compare and check it with our own plan carefully to understand if it tallies with requirements of the project, that is workflow of the whole project, contents, estimated workloads and arrangement of resources. It is necessary to clarify timely and make it acceptable to each other if there are obvious difference. The project will be started formally after the project plan of outsourcing provider has been confirmed, and now it's time to monitor the project.

2. Concerned On Evaluating the Schedule

Outsourcing contract should ask outsourcing provider to provide schedule reports regularly. I have seen many project schedule reports, and they are different a lot in contents, however, most of them explain definitely which parts have been completed, which parts are going on, which parts will be taken up in next report period, and whether the work has been completed on time or not, even more, some use different colors such as red, yellow and green to show status of progress.Basically speaking, all these information can only allow directors to see the project roughly,but can't make the project manager hold the schedule of the project in hand.

In my opinion, the best way is that we should know how many tasks have not been finished, how long they will be complete, which parts have not start and will they start as scheduled, and is there any change on planned resources. If answers are different from original plan, we are supposed to question ourselves immediately, find out main reasons why the task haven't been finished or why not start according to the schedule. Consequently we can discuss it with outsourcing provider, how to bring the project into normal schedule. Such finished tasks have become history to us and they have little effect on the schedule of the project. The parts haven't been completed or haven't start are the key of project, and they are in need of monitoring in particular

We need confirm the schedule reports offered by outsourcing provider to make sure if tasks have been actually finished as planned. The best way is when each program module is finished, we need let outsourcing provider to list original codes and testing results of the program. And let technicians and user representatives check the results to confirm that work provided by outsourcing provider has been finished in fact. This procedure of confirmation doesn't mean we do not trust outsourcing provider. We simply want to confirm if the schedules of the project have been finished as planned, and ensures the person in charge is able to report to boss about the accurate status of the schedule.

3. Closely Associated When Checking and Accepting

The biggest risk of the software outsourcing project is not in development progress, but appears after the project has been finished.Many of them often turn up problems in program logic or editing range of data entry during checking and accepting period, which result in differences between testing result and real requirement, outsourcing provider cannot but modify a lot to result in project delay. Sometimes, outsourcing provider complains that it 's not their fault. Avoiding these risks, you'd better check and accept the project at the same time of developing, but not to do it until tasks have been closed.

It is not a proper idea that some firms put it as a last work to check and accept. Checking and accepting of project should be on its way, begins and ends at the same time of project development, and then can make sure the final procedure of checking and accepting successful. Another mistake in software development is to ask developer to create testing data for module testing and system testing.

Technician have limited knowledge of business operation, and only users know ranges of these datas and what information of the data is accurate. Therefore, an experienced project manager usually asks user representatives to assist its module and system testing in project process, and establish testing data for technician testing. Testing data of every module are offered by users. To prevent us from disputing, outsourcing project is suggested to test with this method. When outsourcing provider delivers original codes list and testing report of each module, users and technicians of firm check it together, and guarantee the results consistency between testing and users' data, and at last check and accept the system successfully, and cause no fatal delay.

4. Distributing Time in Reason

It is more complicated to manage an outsourcing project than develop it internal, and more milestones are necessary to be established to monitor the schedule of the project.More communication and negotiation are needed; firm members should cooperate with the schedule of outsourcing provider constantly and supply with data needed for testing, all these will be handled in extra time.

Generally speaking, it supposes that an internal project will be completed in 500 workdays, 50~75 workdays are for project management, about 10%~15% of the entire workloads. And the same 500 workdays of outsourcing project needs another 75~110 extra days to manage this project. In other words, it takes 15%~22% of workloads for firms to manage outsourcing provider. Certainly, these data are only for reference for software development outsourcing projects, every project and outsourcing provider have difference management requirements. However, it is an unchangeable rule of project management, we can not think that outsourcing allows us have no management requirement .

Steven ZHAO is a MBA and CTO of Info-Tech Co.,Ltd, An offshore outsourcing IT services and software development Company in China & Australia specializing in Data entry and processing, Software development, Software testing, Database support, Website design,Softwareocalization,Multimedia localization and BPO.Cassaundra Blog25142
Allyn Blog84473

Inequitable Funding For Some Within The New York Schools

In an attempt to get more funding into the poorer school districts and reduce funding for the wealthier districts, Governor Eliot Spitzer replaced the very rigid, long-standing formula for funding of the New York schools. The old formula gave the same per student funding to all New York schools districts without regard to needs or demographic/economic differences. Spitzer convinced Senate Republicans in wealthier districts, such as Long Island, to vote for his final budget by including special funding add-ons for only this year. The funding add-ons guaranteed that New York schools in the wealthier districts would receive similar funding as last year, though they are not guaranteed beyond this year.

A multitude of mathematical computations were required for this years funding formula, which gave a distribution of $1.76 million. Overall, it appears to be similar to last years distribution; however, upon a closer look, a disparity occurred between at least two New York schools districts that creates the exact opposite effect desired by the Governor.

Shelter Island school district in Suffolk County serves a resort town between the forks of Long Island. It has only one school with a New York schools student enrollment of 270 and is as close to being a private school as you can get and still be public. The area, itself, has higher local taxes than many New York schools districts, which means more funding for its school. With a higher median household income for its 2,000 plus residents and a low poverty rate, more funding from the New York schools can be used for programs that are a luxury in other New York schools.

With the new funding formula for the New York schools this year, Shelter Island almost doubled its funding over last year with a 90.5 percent increase compared to a statewide average increase of ten percent. By far, it was the biggest winner under this years funding formula. Last year, this New York schools district lost ten students to the CDCH Charter School in East Hampton. The funding add-ons gave Shelter Island additional funding to compensate for this loss of students (and per student funding). They will receive a total of $775,000 in funding, compared to last years $406,000. School board member Barbara Warren said the board is waiting for confirmation of the amount to ensure it is correct.

In contrast to Shelter Island, Germantown is a rural area in Columbia County across the river from Catskill. Like Shelter Island, Germantown has about 2,000 residents and only one school serving the entire district. An enrollment of 700 students, grades kindergarten through 12, are all in one building. The Germantown district is much poorer than Shelter Island with needs for funding to cover programs to aid its low-income students.

Germantown, a New York schools district that must count every penny of state funding it receives, will get an increase of only 0.6 percent this year. This is clearly an inequitable increase, compared to the wealthier Shelter Island funding amount. The only reason Superintendent Patrick Gabriel can find for the little funding increase is in the Public Excess Cost category, which covers the costs of students with disabilities. Though they did receive $700,000 in capital building funds, Germantown is clearly going to have to stretch every penny next school year.

Patrica Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Houston Schools please visit Blog17263
Alix Blog46392

Transforming Your Kids Free Time

Kids' free time usually leads to parents' busier periods. But this does not have to be the case. When your kids come home from school or their extracurricular activities, you can continue giving the choice of doing something fun and educative at the same time. If homework and reading for next day's classes is already completed, you can let them choose another type of leisure activity and add a lot of great kid-oriented fun to their daily routine.

If you are wondering how to choose a daily or weekend activity, you should better ask your kids first what they prefer doing. You can prepare beforehand a list of choices and let them choose the ones that they prefer doing alone or along your side and guidance. Visiting a kid's venue, crafting a photo album, painting a huge board to hang it in their bedroom wall, going out to play sports, or meet friends and enjoy a movie or a theatrical presentation, can lead you to experience another type of productive time along with your kids and them to adore you for offering them the chance of doing something different and testing their abilities.

But remember to select the activities wisely. While there are a lot of great kid-oriented activities everywhere, going to one that leaves you sitting on the sidelines and rolling your eyes in boredom is no better than going to a totally "grown-up" event where the kids are climbing the walls. Focus on activities that everyone can participate in and enjoy and take advantage of changing seasons by teaching the kids to ski in winter and swim during summer time. You can always select to visit the children museum on a rainy afternoon and you can always enjoy a movie that "speaks" to both kids and adults, like "Toy Story," "The Incredibles," or "Shrek." These types of funny and interesting activities for all ages can alter your weekend feeling and make even you feel like a child again. In addition, special activities like puppet or magic shows, bowling and ice skating are all big draws for families. Just take yourself back in time and remember those activities you and your parents did while you were a kid and would love to experience now with your own kids as a parent.

Finally, the advice of many experts is to add educational activities into your free-time plans with your children. Bookstores and movie theaters have special child-oriented reading or screening times, which apart from being a fun and restful way to spend a weekend afternoon, can enhance your kids' knowledge background. Of course, you should not forget the "old time favorites," like zoos, aquariums, and children's amusement parks, since they can transform any kid's face by adding a huge happy smile. Even if you have done something similar in the past, special events or local festivities can you're your visits fresh and exciting. If you are convinced that it is time to spend some time doing something different with your kids, then check your local papers and online websites for new and upcoming plays, concerts and festivals. The published ideas for family activities can give you dozens of suggestions and reveal many possible destinations available in your area.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog3393
Adriaens Blog91553

Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill - Well, Jill Did

"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after." ~Mother Goose rhyme.

"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, but Jill kept on climbing." ~A modern parable.

This is the story of two entrepreneurs we'll call Jack and Jill. Jill went up the hill and built a successful business. Jack went up the hill, failed and fell down the hill. Read on to discover how Jill succeeded and Jack failed.

Both Jack and Jill decided to go into business for themselves at the same time. Each worked for a company that sold and serviced technical products to certain professionals. Both have the same degree of skill and expertise at their job and loved their work. Both have a burning desire to succeed.

Each of them went about building their business in their own way.


Jack wasn't clear about his goals. He just wanted to sell and design equipment to anybody who would buy it. He would sell as much as he could, do all the work to save overhead. He saw himself as a self-made man who did not need anybody's advice. He figured whatever he needed to know he could learn from books and the internet. His was a fuzzy vision; he knew the general direction he wanted to go and a vague idea of how to get there.

Jill thought a lot about her goals. At first she daydreamed about her ideal life and her ideal business. She decided on the amount of money she would need to earn to provide her lifestyle. She saw herself running her business, doing only those things she was talented at - the things she loved doing - and delegating other people to do the rest. To make her dream practical, she took the advice of author Napoleon Hill. She hired a coach to be her mentor. Together they applied to her dream a guide called SMART, which meant Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed. This enabled her to keep track of how she was progressing.

Jack also dreamed about his goals. But never became specific about them and had no way of measuring how he was progressing.

Niche marketing

Jack tried to sell this product to anybody he thought could possibly have a need or interest. Jill, on the other hand, at the advice of her coach, narrowed her prospects. She chose to sell to high schools because she was familiar with how they used her products. She was uncomfortable at first because she feared she was turning away other business. She was delighted when it turned out that other industries also bought from her.

Jill not only sold more than Jack, she did it on a smaller marketing budget.

Fortunately for both Jack and Jill the market for their products was booming. Orders started coming in and each of them went to work filling them. And they soon needed help.

Building a workforce

Jack ran ads and hired anybody he interviewed who he thought looked good. He did not want to "waste his time" checking up on them or spending money for assessments. He figured if they did not work out he would simply fire them and find somebody else. He soon found this was an extraordinarily expensive way to hire people. It cost him tons of money training a new person and then finding out that person did not work out. It also was emotionally difficult for him to fire someone so he kept them on too long. This system was causing him stress and eating into his profits.

Jill did not rely solely on her judgment when interviewing prospective employees. She gave them formal pre-employment assessments, did background checks, and talked to references. She took her time and tried to find the best people she could. She approached the process as if she were creating a basketball team. She wanted a winning team. Once she had good people, she put energy into keeping them with the company. She spent more time with her stars than she did with her mediocre employees.

Jack, on the other hand, thought his best employees did not need his time and he spent more time and energy trying to improve his poor performers. He was surprised when his best people felt neglected and left.

Personal organization

With her company growing rapidly, Jill found herself working long hard hours. She realized that she was not well organized. She carefully prioritized her activities with the help of her coach. She identified those activities that were wasting her time. She either eliminated those activities or delegated them. She was made aware that she was neglecting some important things simply because they were not demanding her attention. She was not getting the recreation or exercise she deserved. She was not spending enough time with her family and friends. She made these things a top priority and scheduled time for this. This process not only made her life more enjoyable, it made her a more effective leader.

Jill was enjoying her job. She was doing mostly what she loved doing and which were important to the success of her business. She was spending adequate time with her family and was having fun.

Jack simply attended to every urgent matter that happened to come to his attention. He was doing things he hated and for which he had no talent. He was working over 60 hours a week. His family complained and he felt they were unsupportive - even disloyal. As a result, Jack suffered stress from his job and stress from his family.


Jack felt like a slave to his business, but he kept doggedly at it. Sometimes his revenue was low, other times it was high. Overall it provided a decent living. Jack was a superior technician and knew how to produce products that really pleased his customers. With all his hard work his company began to grow. When he had about 20 workers, he ran into serious trouble. He just couldn't keep track of everything like he did when his company was smaller. He just couldn't bring himself to delegate responsibilities and just look at bottom-line results. His business had outgrown his wingspan. Things got away from him and some serious mistakes resulted. He was facing financial ruin when, luckily, he found a buyer and sold his company.

Meanwhile, Jill's company also kept growing. When she couldn't keep track of everything that was going on like she used to, she turned to her coach. He helped her select and develop fine managers who attended to the details. They reported the bottom-line results to her. She paid very careful attention to key variables. She knew her expenses. She knew her income. She knew how many and what kind of products were sold and by whom. She had systems in place for customer feedback so she knew how well her customers were satisfied. Similarly, she knew how happy her good workers were. These systems gave her much freedom. She was able to take many mini vacations with her family. They went on a month long trip to Europe. When she came back, her business was running smoothly. Jill was the master of her business.

Jill's company is still growing. She works 30 to 40 hours a week and has plenty of free time for herself, her family and her friends.

Jack is working at his old job at the corporation.

Jack and Jill went up the hill and the rest is history.

© 2006 Stan Mann.Astra Blog85810
Cathrine Blog22528

Can Career Training Level the Playing Field?

The United States is well known as a land of opportunity and as a result people from all over the world flock to its shores. However there exists here a class of people who are, sadly, ignored or forgotten. They are typically referred to as inner-city or underprivileged children. Unfortunately this label has almost become a stigmatism instead of a reminder that there are a number of people who need help to attain a more satisfying standard of living. Many of these young people are aware that attending a four year college or university would be a great way to lift them up from poverty. But, as the old saying goes, "It takes money to make money." If you are already poor how can you afford to pay for the astronomical cost of obtaining a college degree? And if you cannot afford to pay for the degree how can you get a well-paying job? These are questions that the disadvantaged regularly have to grapple with and few are finding any worthy answers.

One excellent answer is online career training. Career training is a much more affordable alternative to an expensive college degree. It is training that provides specific yet comprehensive knowledge and skills to a student. All that is needed is a computer and internet access. From there it is up to the student to decide which course or subject matter is most interesting and then enroll. There is no need to drive to a campus and wait in long registration lines. Instead enrollment in a career training course can be done in the privacy of your own home right over the internet. Once your enrollment is accepted your training can begin immediately. Career training allows students to work at an individual pace, thereby getting the most benefit from the training. Upon completion of the training the student is fully prepared to enter the work force and earn a great salary. Since career training is so affordable the student will not be burdened with a lot of debt. In fact the training can be paid in full before the course has been completed. There will not be any huge student loans to pay since career training is much less expensive than a standard university education.

According to the U.S. Department of education, over 80 percent of the fastest-growing jobs require at least some postsecondary education. Career training can provide that necessary additional education. So if you or someone you know needs a helping hand why not look into career training and take advantage of living in the land of opportunity.

Copyright 2006 Sherry Harris

Sherry Harris is the President of online career training school, Malibu Institute. For more information on master certificate courses and career education offered, go to: http://www.MalibuInstitute.comBarbara Anne Blog45346
Amitie Blog30625

Self Defense for a New Mommy

You knew things would change once the baby was born, but didn't quite grasp how much they would change. Now you find yourself thinking about situations in entirely different light.

Walking your new baby in a stroller is great exercise for you and the fresh air is fantastic for you both. Nonetheless before you take off for a walk there are a few considerations to ensure you are prepared to keep the both of you safe.

If at all possible walk with another adult or walk inside a mall where there are lots of people. It's just safer. Always carry a well charged cell phone. Do not talk on the phone while you are walking.

Some people feel safer talking to someone on the other end of the phone while they walk. However your are unable to focus on your surroundings. You need to have domain awareness at all times. Constantly look in all directions. If you're talking on the phone, you're distracted.

Carry a whistle with you. There are many that are bracelet style and have stretchy cords for easy carrying. If someone decides to attack you or take your baby, you need to make some noise and lots of it. Additionally, blowing a whistle directly into the perpetrator's ears will cause some damage.

If you're in danger do not yell "Help! People, unfortunately do not want to get involved. You're much better off screaming "My Baby!" or "Fire!" Both of those will illicit more assistance than "help".

Attitude is everything. Even if you have to fake it until you make it pretend you are not fearful of anything. Hold your head high as you walk. If someone passes you look them directly in the eye and say "Hi"; walking with your head down only signals that you are fearful and weak.

Being a new mommy carries with it an awesome responsibility. Don't be fearful and don't be careless you'll settle into motherhood just fine!

Taurie Lynn writes for Baby Talk Radio, a weekly podcast for the baby crazy crowd.Brittaney Blog23235
Aprilette Blog32710

Learning Spanish For Adults

Have you ever thought of learning Spanish but never had the time and right opportunity to do it? You dont need to worry about how to actually do it but what you want to think about twice is if you really have the dedication and interest to learn the Spanish language.

Learning for adults does not come easy any longer compared to how children and teenagers learn. This is true because there is a certain point and range of interest and learning skills each age group has and as a person gets older, the ability to learn depreciates. Think about young children, learning a different language to them is easy as learning A,B,Cs.

Now the next question comes into mindhow do I learn a foreign language fast? We all know that it takes a while to learn new things. It also takes great enthusiasm and interest over something to be able to learn it well and apply it to normal day to day activities. Also, a good memory is built from a vivid event. Findings show that we tend to store in events or images that has a strong impact towards the senses in our memory. This is also why its recommended to imagine silly and outrageous images in learning foreign languages because the words can be easily remembered this way. A human brain can certainly not erase these images.

By now you should be able to realize that whatever you have seen ever since you were small is all still registered in your brain. So the next time you see something familiar, be aware that you havent completely forgotten what it is or what it is for but just that the image might have not been too interesting at the moment you saw it and in turn, didnt alert your attention as you were absorbing it to your brain.

So to give you an example how pictures can create an impact in learning a foreign language, well take the English word morning and maana in Spanish as an example. Imagine this sentence as it happens: Every morning, the postman delivers mails and packages to houses with family names of Manny in a successive order. By associating the words in a scenario as you imagine it happening makes it a lot easier and fun to learn the Spanish language.

Try learning other Spanish words by visiting this link

Shareen Aguilar is a writer for which has Memory Improvement Books and Memory Game Software better Spanish language memorization.Annadiana Blog70567
Celene Blog64052

5 Things To Look For In A Promising Web Host

Finding a promising web hosting company for your internet based business is an essential piece to the puzzle. This is the company that has control of your server space, web services and file maintenance, so you want to make sure you are protected. Here are 5 things to look for in a promising web host.

1. Reliability

There is nothing more important than reliability when it comes to selecting a web hosting company. There are a number of things that can go wrong within an internet based business and it is assuring to know that your web host is there for you. Prior to selecting a company, take the time to look at the percentage of time their server is working properly. If the server tends to be down 15% of the time or more, this kills valuable time that you could be working.

2. Contact info

Part of a web hosting company being reliable is also them being available. If your server goes down, you want to know that you can get a hold of the company as soon as possible. The best way to check on the support personnel is to call them up prior to agreeing to anything to test them out.

3. Domain name

With thousands of internet based businesses on the web and millions of web addresses already taken, it can be difficult coming up with an original domain name. However, every web host should be able to provide you with one for a reasonable price. Check into the support they give you for finding a quality domain name and the prices each company charges for a domain name.

4. CGI access

Depending on the type of internet based business you have, you may want to or need to run your own programs. In order to do this, you must have CGI access. Not every web host offers this, and not every company offers the same capabilities for their CGI access. When researching into a web hosting company, check to make sure they offer CGI access that allows you to read, write, and execute on your server.

5. POP account

Having a POP account is vital for your business because of the protection that it offers. A POP account gives you password-protected access to mail that is sent through your website email address.

There are several things you want to look into prior to selecting a web hosting company. The more questions you can come up with to ask the company and the more research you put into your decision, the better off you will be.

Vincent Murphy is the Webmaster/Owner of http://www.HomeGrail.comAlison Blog24197
Celestia Blog32716

Don't Let Your Equity Decrease! Do Your Repairs

It is very important that problems within your home are taken care of as they arise, instead of allowing them to fester. Significant or even minor repairs that need to be done to your home need to be taken care of as they stand to compound issues of aesthetics and function, and this in turn will effect the equity of your home. Although home improvement projects will add value to your home through the addition of new features or through remodeling, home repair is just as essential in ensuring the continued value of your home.

Allowing problems to remain increases the risk of damage to your house. Leaky faucets may end up causing damage to your floor's underlay and to your basement ceilings, as well as costing you money in terms of water bills. Holes in the wall are unsightly, and are also prone to growing as well as allowing things that might rot to get into the walls of your home. Gunk that builds up on your bathroom tiles and walls is a great place for harmful molds and other singel celled organisms to breed and spread. In other words, even small problems will detract from the value and the enjoyment of your home, and they have the potential to grow into big disasters. Fixing the problem when it arises could mean that you save hundreds of dollars in potential damages to your property.

For all three of these common problems, the repair solutions are simple. Leaky faucets require whoever is doing the repairs to find the water shutoff valve before installing the faucet. After you locate this, then the rest of the project is smooth sailing.

As far as bathroom buildup, the key ingredient required is a little bit of elbow grease. If you find that the buildup still will not come up no matter how hard you scrub, you might have to think about replacing some parts of the tile. Sometimes, the buildup is so bad that it is actually necessary to install a whole new unit. Fortunately, this is made easier by the widespread availability of shower kits.

Shower kits are pretty inexpensive, but they add a lot of value to your home right away. These kits require a few tools to install, such as sealant, nails, cement, screwdrivers, cutters, primers, and piping. Gather all of the tools and the materials that were included with the shower kit together within your workspace, in a spot that is as easy to reach as possible from where you are working. Make sure that te water is turned off before commencing work!

Remember that not everyone has an innate ability to do home repair. Do not be afraid to ask a friend or family member for help, or consult one of the many do it yourself books available.

Johnathan Bakers frequently pens summaries on topics related to kitchen cabinet and countertops. You can see his articles over at and various other sources for kitchen faucets news.Ali Blog65064
Blondy Blog52863

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